Research Article

Age- and Sex-Dependent Changes in Androgen Receptor Expression in the Developing Mouse Cortex and Hippocampus

Figure 3

Effect of sex on expression of the full-length androgen receptor (AR) protein (AR110) and lower molecular weight isoform (AR70) in the developing female (F, = 5-6) and male (M, = 6-7) mouse cortex/hippocampus measured by immunoblotting. (a) Representative immunoblotting of AR110 and AR70 as well as β-actin in the mouse cortex/hippocampus collected on postnatal days 0 (PN0), 7 (PN7), 14 (PN14), and 21 (PN21). (b) Relative AR110 levels were quantified relative to average in females of the same age. Indicates significant difference from female expression by -test (). Bars are mean ± SEM. PN, postnatal day.