Review Article

Zingiber officinale (Ginger): A Future Outlook on Its Potential in Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes and Prediabetic States

Figure 2

Fractionation of ginger and analysis and activity of chemical composition of major active fractions [22]. Freeze-dried ginger was extracted with ethyl acetate to give the total ginger extract containing 15% (S)-[6]-gingerol, 1.7% (S)-[8]-gingerol, 2.7% (S)-[10]-gingerol, and 0.6% [6]-shogaol. Fractions were separated by short-column vacuum chromatography (NP-SCVC) into seven fractions from nonpolar to moderate polarity. The bar graph shows the 2-deoxyglucose uptake activities of the ginger extract, metformin, and fractions tested at the maximum noncytotoxic doses. 1H-NMR analysis showed that gingerols were the major constituents in F7. HPLC analysis of active fraction F7 indicated 43.4% (S)-[6]-gingerol, 2.9% (S)-[8]-gingerol, 1.5% (S)-[10]-gingerol, and 0.07% [6]-shogaol. The effect on glucose uptake was evaluated using radioactive labelled -deoxy-D-glucose in L6 myotubes [22ā€“24]. , .