Research Article

Perceived Knowledge and Confidence for Providing Youth-Specific Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Recommendations amongst Pediatric Diabetes Healthcare Professionals: An International, Cross-Sectional, Online Survey

Table 3

Raw survey scores for HCP exercise recommendations (minutes), confidence, and familiarity with the ISPAD exercise guidelines.

Overall (N = 125)

HCP exercise recommendations minutes, n (%)
 Less than 151 (0.8%)
 15–3013 (10.4%)
 30–4547 (37.8%)
 45–6047 (37.8%)
 60–9016 (12.8%)
 More than 900 (0%)
 Did not answer1 (0.8%)

Exercise management confidence, likert median (IQR)4 (3, 4)
 1 (not confident)0
 5 (extremely confident)16

Familiarity with ISPAD guidelines, likert median (IQR)4 (3, 4)
 1 (not familiar)10
 5 (extremely familiar)21

HCP = healthcare professional. Data reported as percent and/or median (IQR).