Clinical Study

Combined Lung Transfer of NO and CO in Patients Receiving Methotrexate or Bleomycin Therapy Compared to Normal Subjects

Table 3

CO and NO lung transfers’ results in the three studied groups.

GroupMTX group BLM group

TLCO (%PV) 0.002 MTX versus N and 0.001 BLM versus N
TLNO (%PV) <0.0001 MTX versus N and <0.0001 BLM versus N
KCO (%PV) 0.02 BLM versus MTX, <0.0001 BLM versus N, and 0.05 MTX versus N
VI (%PV) 0.05 MTX versus N, 0.02 BLM versus MTX, and <0.0001 BLM versus N
TLCO/VI (VI%PV) 0.02 MTX versus N
Dm (%PV) <0.0001 MTX versus N and <0.0001 BLM versus N
Vc (%PV) <0.0001 MTX versus N and <0.0001 BLM versus N
TLNO/TLCO <0.0001 BLM versus N and 0.007 BLM versus MTX

Values are given by mean ± standard error. is calculated by ANOVA. NS: not significant. %PV: percentage of predicted value.