Research Article

The Possible Role of Mast Cells in the Odontogenic Cyst’s Pathogenesis: A Comparative Study between Dentigerous Cyst and Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor

Table 1

Mast cell densities in all layers of cyst wall of Keratocystic odontogenic tumors and Dentigerous cysts.

Mast cell density (mean SD) Cyst type
Dentigerous cystKeratocystic odontogenic tumor

Density of mast cells in deep layer8 523 10
Density of degranulated mast cells in deep layer1 22 2
Density of mast cells in superficial layer8 516 8
Density of degranulated mast cells in superficial layer0 11 1
Density of degranulated mast cells in both of the two layers2 32 2