Research Article

CD20+ Tumor Infiltrating B Lymphocyte in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Correlation with Clinicopathologic Characteristics and Heat Shock Protein 70 Expression

Table 3

Relationship between clinicopathologic characteristics and HSP70 expression in OSCC patients.

ParameterNumber (%)Low expressionHigh expression value

 Well differentiated31 (62%)7 (22.6%)24 (77.4%)0.058
 Moderately differentiated13 (26%)8 (61.5%)5 (38.5%)
 Poorly differentiated6 (12%)6 (100%)0 (0%)
 I17 (34%)2 (11.8%)15 (88.2%)0.003
 II11 (22%)3 (27.3%)8 (72.7%)
 III13 (26%)11 (84.6%)2 (15.4%)
 IV9 (18%)5 (55.6%)4 (44.4%)
Lymph node metastasis
 Yes17 (34%)16 (94.1%)1 (5.9%)<0.001
 No33 (66%)5 (15.2%)28 (88.4%)
Tumor size
 <2 cm16 (32%)2 (12.5%)14 (87.5%)0.044
 Between 2 and 4 cm20 (40%)11 (55%)9 (45%)
 >4 cm14 (28%)8 (57.1%)6 (49.2%)

Bolded values are statistically significant.