Clinical Study

Arnica/Hydroxyethyl Salicylate Combination Spray for Ankle Distortion: A Four-Arm Randomised Double-Blind Study

Table 1

Demographic data.

 Male358 (62.8%)
 Female212 (37.2%)

Age 3 0 . 8 ± 1 0 . 9 years ( M e a n ± S D )
Range6–75 years
6–12 years10 (1.8%)
13–17 years36 (6.3%)
18–30 years253 (44.4%)
31–50 years250 (43.9%)
≥51 years21 (3.7%)

Origin of injury
 Sports accident63.2%

Time between injury and consultation
M e a n ± S D 1 0 . 1 ± 6 . 8 hours
 Median8 hours
 Range1–24 hours