Research Article

A Quantitative Examination of Extreme Facial Pain Expression in Neonates: The Primal Face of Pain across Time

Table 2

Characteristics of the 3 infants (selected from 63) showing the greatest intensity of facial expression.

Infants with most facial movementDisplay intensity (change from baseline to peak % facial width)*Duration of expression (time in seconds from baseline to peak)Time points analyzed (number of frames at 11.6 frames per second)Demographics (sex, age, gestational age)

Infant A80.693.8845Male, 40.5 hours, 41 weeks
Infant B55.463.9746Female, 37.5 hours, 39 weeks
Infant C65.241.8121Male, 49.0 hours, 40 weeks

*Total sample ( ) minimum 4.49, maximum 80.69, mean 30.89, standard deviation 15.35.