Review Article

Review of the History and Current Status of Cell-Transplant Approaches for the Management of Neuropathic Pain

Table 2

Naturally occurring (tumor) cell lines.

SourcePain modelResults

Tumor Cell Lines:
Rat PC12 [74]
Encapsulated PC12 [272]
Mouse B16 [81]
Human NB69 [83]
AtT-20 [84, 273]
Encapsulated AtT-20 [85],
Neuro2A [85]
Encapsulated Neuro2A [1327]
P19 [87],
Tail-flick or chemical induction [81, 84, 85, 87, 88]
Acute [81, 84, 85, 88, 273]
Partial nerve injury (CCI) [83, 272, 274]
Formalin [87]
(i) Analgesic [85, 88]
(ii) Reduced opioid tolerance [84]
(iii) Antinociceptive [81, 83, 84, 273, 274]
(iv) Reduced cold allodynia [83, 272]

Bio-engineered—AtT-20/hENK [84, 273]
Encapsulated Neuro2A/POMC [86]
Autologous rat macrophages/proENK [274]
PC12/SHG peptide [75]
Tail-flick or chemical induction [84, 273]
Formalin [75]
(i) Increased ACTH release with TET-ON stimulation [86]
(ii) Reduced Phase II formalin-induced responses [75]