Review Article

Conceptualizing and Treating Comorbid Chronic Pain and PTSD

Table 1

Summary of integrated care treatment components.

Treatment goalIntervention

(i) Educate about the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
(ii) Increase awareness about the interaction between chronic pain, emotional functioning, and cognitive functioning
(iii) Educate about the role of cognitions in emotional and behavioral functioning
(iv) Educate about the interactions between chronic pain and PTSD
(v) Educate about the role of fear-avoidance in the development and maintenance of chronic pain and PTSD

Reduce chronic pain and PTSD-related avoidance behaviors via systematic practice of increasingly challenging avoided stimuliConstruction of an in vivo hierarchy

Facilitate engagement in enjoyable activities to improve mood and challenge any inherent avoidancesInclude behavioral activation activities on in vivo hierarchy

Correct attentional biasesEducation; identification and cessation of safety behaviors

Normalize emotional experiences or responses and associated physiologic sensationsNormalization; education about fight or flight response; ongoing identification and systematic confrontation of avoidance or escape behaviors via real life exercises/activities

Reduce tension; regulate distressing physiologic sensationsStructured relaxation training to decrease stress yet preclude buffering from feared stimuli