Clinical Study

Can Fluctuations in Vital Signs Be Used for Pain Assessment in Critically Ill Patients with a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Table 2

Analgesics, equianalgesic doses of morphine and sedatives administered within 4 hours prior to initial and second data in participants at various LOC.

Participants involved in initial data collection 
( )
Subsample involved in a second data collection ( )
( )
Altered  GCS from 9–12 
( )
( )
Altered GCS from 9–12  
( )
( )

Fentanyl infusion or I/V bolus (g/h)
 Administration (%)6 (75.0%)8 (38.1%)1 (25.0%)1 (11.1%)
 Median dose (min–max)137.50 (50.00–200.00)100.00 (50.00–200.00)125.00 (—)25.00 (—)
Hydromorphone s/c bolus (mg)
 Administration (%)3 (14.3%)3 (18.8%)2 (22.2%)
 Median dose (min–max)1.00 (0.50–2.00)1.00 (1.00–3.00)3.00 (—)

Total equianalgesic doses of morphine administered 4 h prior to data collection (mg)
Median (min–max)50.00 (20.00–80.00)35.00 (2.50–80.00)5.00 (5.00–15.00)28.00 (—)15.00 (10.00–15.00)

Diprivan infusion (mg/h)
 Administration (%)6 (75.0%)10 (47.6%)1 (25.0%)2 (22.2%)
 Median dose (min–max)241.50 (142.00–337.00)162.00 (31.00–399.00)104.00 (—)321.00 (192.00–450.00)
Midazolam infusion (mg/h)
 Administration (%)2 (25.0%)3 (14.3%)
 Median dose (min–max)6.50 (3.00–10.00)4.00 (3.500–5.00)
Diazepam I/V bolus (mg)
 Administration (%)2 (9.5%)
 Median dose (min–max)15.00 (10.00–20.00)

Of note, initial data collections were performed in all participants ( ) as they were unconscious ( ), in altered LOC ( ), or conscious ( ). A second data collection was performed in a subsample of participants ( ) as they were in altered LOC ( ) or conscious ( ) bringing the total number of data collections to , of which were performed in unconscious, in altered, and in conscious participants.