Research Article

Feasibility of Collecting Vulvar Pain Variability and Its Correlates Using Prospective Collection with Smartphones

Table 1

Characteristics of 24 participants with clinically confirmed vulvodynia in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, 2013.

Characteristic women

Mean age, y (SD)30 (6.2)
Marital status
 Single, never married15 (63)
 Married7 (29)
 Separated/divorced2 (8)
 High school1 (4)
 Some college2 (8)
 Associate’s degree3 (13)
 Bachelor’s degree15 (62)
 Graduate degree3 (13)
Primary vulvodynia5 (23)
Generalized pain Throughout vestibule12 (52)
Provoked vulvodynia10 (42)
Sought care for pain12 (52)