Clinical Study

Quantitative Thermal Testing Profiles as a Predictor of Treatment Response to Topical Capsaicin in Patients with Localized Neuropathic Pain

Figure 2

QTT profile groups identified after matching responder and nonresponders to treatment with capsaicin patch. WST: warm sensation threshold. HPT: heat pain threshold. n.s.: no significant difference between pain site and asymptomatic contralateral area for the thermal test. s.↑: the thermal test was significantly higher in the painful area versus the asymptomatic contralateral area. s.↓: the thermal test was significantly lower in the painful area versus the asymptomatic contralateral area. H.s↑/H.s↓: HPT for the painful area was significantly higher when WST was significantly higher or lower when WST was significantly lower than the asymptomatic contralateral area.