Clinical Study

Use of Vein Conduit and Isolated Nerve Graft in Peripheral Nerve Repair: A Comparative Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics.

Characteristics Study group = 20
(nerve graft + vein conduit)
Control group = 20
(nerve graft)

Mean age (years) 28 ± 729 ± 6
Etiology Sharp injury—8 (40%)
Crush injury—12 (60%)
Sharp injury—9 (45%)
Crush injury—11 (55%)
Types of nerve Ulnar—7
Time since injury Old injury—5 (25%)
Fresh injury—15 (75%)
Old injury—6 (30%)
Fresh injury—14 (70%)
Nerve defect 3.5 cm—6 (30%)
4.5 cm—8 (40%)
5.5 cm—6 (30%)
3.5 cm—7 (35%)
4.5 cm—7 (35%)
5.5 cm—6 (30%)
Types of repair Epineural Epineural
Mean distance from proximal nerve end to tip of middle finger 10–15—5
10–15 cm—6
15–20 cm—12
>20 cm—2
Smoking 3 (15%) 4 (20%)
Associated vascular injury 4 (20%) 3 (15%)
Associated tendon injury3 (15%)4 (20%)
Associated co morbidity None None