Clinical Study

Modified Vertical Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flap for Limb Salvage Procedures in Proximal Lower Limb Musculoskeletal Sarcomas

Figure 2

(a) Preoperative picture showing the dimensions and design of contralateral, laterally oriented VRAM with a tongue-like extension. The arrow points to the necrotic thigh flap advocated achieving adequate oncological resection for pelvic osteosarcoma. (b) Intraoperative picture showing insetting of flap after debridment of the necrotic area. The distal muscular component of the flap fills the composite defect which helps resist infection in this potentially infected area. (c) Intraoperative picture showing coverage of the defect with application of a split thickness graft on the remaining muscular bed. The arrow points to the tongue-like skin extension which avoids tension on the vascular pedicle especially after dividing the origin and insertion and ensures adequate perfusion to the distal portion of the flap. (d) Late postoperative picture 6 months after completion of chemotherapy course showing complete survival of the flap with long-term durability and complete take of the graft.