Research Article

Involvement of the Soluble Urokinase Receptor in Chondrosarcoma Cell Mobilization

Table 2

Clinicopathological parameters and uPAR levels in tumour tissues and in plasma of patients with chondrosarcoma.

PatientsFirst clinical evaluationTherapySurvival from diagnosis (months)uPAR gradingaSuPAR (pg/mL)b

3P + Lung MSurgery333.645
4P + Lung MNeoadiuvant chemotherapy and surgery1435.152
6P + Lung MSurgery and chemotherapy83ND

P, primary tumor; M, metastasis; aImmunohistochemical staining of tumor frozen sections with R4 anti-uPAR mAb was graded as absent (grading 0), faint (grading 1), moderate (grading 2), or intense (grading 3). bDetermination of plasmatic SuPAR content by Elisa, expressed as pg SuPAR/mL plasma.