Clinical Study

Long-Term Clinical Responses of Neoadjuvant Dendritic Cell Infusions and Radiation in Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Figure 1

(a) Kaplan Meir curves showing the disease-free survival at 1, 2, 3, and 4 years (94%, 83%, 72%, and 66%, resp.) of patients who received neoadjuvant intratumoral injection of dendritic cells and radiation in high-grade soft tissue sarcomas over 5 cm. (b) Kaplan Meir curve showing overall survival of patients in months on patients who received neoadjuvant intratumoral injection of dendritic cells and radiation in high-grade soft tissue sarcomas over 5 cm. (c) Kaplan Meir curves showing tumor necrosis less than 70% or ≥70% in patients who received intratumoral dendritic cell injections followed by radiation and then surgery with resection of tumors to determine the percentage of necrosis after surgery .
(a) DFS at 1, 2, 3, and 4 yrs
(b) Overall survival in months
(c) Tumor necrosis correlated with survival