Research Article

Variations of Surveillance Practice for Patients with Bone Sarcoma: A Survey of Australian Sarcoma Clinicians

Table 5

Late effects monitoring.

POMed OncRadiationOrtho valueOROR 95% CI

Number of responses171097
Late effects clinic for complex patients16 (94%)4 (40%)8 (89%)4 (57%)0.039.56[1.12, 459.37]
Referral to GP/relevant subspecialists11 (65%)8 (80%)8 (89%)0 (0%)1.001.14[0.27, 5.04]
Give written information about health maintenance/lifestyle to patient8 (47%)1 (10%)3 (33%)0 (0%)0.044.69[0.97, 27.15]
Give verbal information about health maintenance/lifestyle9 (53%)6 (60%)5 (56%)1 (14%)0.761.3[0.33, 5.32]

value represents comparison between PO and NP.