Research Article

Cost-Effectiveness of Olaratumab in Combination with Doxorubicin for Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcoma in the United States

Figure 3

One-way sensitivity analysis tornado diagram for Olara + Dox versus Dox: change in ICER (US $ per LY saved). In the one-way sensitivity analysis, all model parameters were varied individually by +/− 10% of the base-case value with the exception of HR death STS versus Gen Pop, which was changed to 1.00. The plot shows the change in the incremental cost per LY gained for each parameter, ranked in order of largest change in the ICER (the top 15 parameters are shown). In all cases, the ICER remained in quadrant 1 of the cost-effectiveness plane (Olara + Dox is more expensive and more effective than the comparator) indicated in the graph by a “1” at the end of each bar. AE = adverse event; Comp = comparator; Dox = doxorubicin; Gen Pop = general population; HR = hazard ratio; ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; LY = life year; Olara = olaratumab; Olara + Dox = olaratumab + doxorubicin; STS = soft tissue sarcoma; US = United States.