Research Article

Exploring Mentorship as a Novel Approach to Improving Quality of Life in Sarcoma Survivors: A Qualitative Pilot Study

Table 3

Codes and themes extracted from the participants’ interview.

ThemesAcceptance of the new conditionsPushed out of the comfort zoneExperiences of the mentoring program

Selected codes(i) Mentor helped me to accept the new situation
(ii) Envisioning more opportunities rather than limitations
(iii) Discovered metaphors/ways to explain things
(iv) There is nothing wrong with me, rather a natural consequence of the treatment
(v) The things I struggle with is a lot more common than I thought and recognizing this helped, indeed, to accept my situation
(vi) I am not worthless even if I need to rest
(vii) Less self-critical
(viii) I am as valuable as other people
(ix) Life has more value than I thought
(x) Less shame
(xi) I am more accepting of my tiredness and being exhausted
(xii) I am not alone with my thoughts and challenges
(i) More self-confident and secure
(ii) Experience being able to do more than I thought I could
(iii) Mentor pushed me not to give up working
(iv) Amazing experience to have the courage to be more open, let people closer to you, and receive support
(v) More open and honest in relationships
(vi) More open to explore new avenues without worrying about things that could go wrong
(vii) Really stepped out of my comfort zone
(viii) Dare to do more, less scared of conflicts, and give more attention to myself
(ix) Want to help, I am now a volunteer with the Red Cross
(x) I have challenged myself to travel. It went very well. I am proud of myself
(xi) Reconnected with friends
(xii) Learned to hold on to my social life
(xiii) Challenged to be a bit tougher, take more space, and fight more
(xiv) I was not sure how hard I could push the mentee
(i) Important not to live too far from the mentor
(ii) Wish the program could last for one year
(iii) It is important to clarify expectations between the mentor and mentee
(iv) Would have profited from a closer connection between me and the mentor
(v) It would have been better to ensure more openness if the mentor was a woman like me
(vi) It is preferred to meet the mentor in person
(vii) I am grateful for the opportunity to be a mentor in this program
(viii) I have learned a lot about myself being a mentor related to personal development, perspectives on life, and faith in humanity