Review Article

White Matter Abnormalities and Animal Models Examining a Putative Role of Altered White Matter in Schizophrenia

Figure 2

Effects of antipsychotics on the CPZ-induced abnormal performance in the Y-maze test. Control and experimentally treated C57BL/6 mice were subjected to Y-maze test on the same days (21st and 42nd days after CPZ exposure). (a) The data of the spontaneous alternation in the HAL experiment. (b) The data of the number of arm entries in the HAL experiment. (c) The data of the spontaneous alternation in the CLZ experiment. (d) The data of the number of arm entries in the CLZ experiment. (e) The data of the spontaneous alternation in the QUE experiment. (f) The data of the number of arm entries in the QUE experiment. Data were expressed as M ± SEM ( 𝑛 = 6 to 12/group). * 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 , ** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 , compared to the CNT group; ++ 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 , compared to the CPZ group.