Research Article

Delusional Disorder over the Reproductive Life Span: The Potential Influence of Menopause on the Clinical Course

Table 1

Baseline sociodemographic and clinical features and psychopathology symptoms by clinical groups ().

VariableTotal sample
DD women premenopausal onset
DD women postmenopausal onset

Sociodemographic variables
DUP, mean years (SD)5.40 (9.5)8.84 (13.9)3.84 (6.01), df = 80,
Marital status, (%), df = 2,
 Never married34 (42.5)13 (52)21 (38.2)
 Married/partner17 (21.3)5 (20)12 (21.8)
 Divorced/separated/widowed29 (36.3)7 (28)22 (40)
Social network (cohabiters), (%), df = 3,
 048 (60)15 (60)33 (60)
 123 (28.8)6 (24)17 (30.9)
 26 (7.5)3 (12)3 (5.5)
 3 or >3 (3.8)1 (4)2 (3.6)
Educational level (years), (%), df = 3,
 <8 10 (12.5)1 (4)10 (12.5)
 8-929 (36.3)7 (28)29 (36.3)
 10-1122 (27.5)6 (24)22 (27.5)
 12 or >19 (23.8)11 (44)19 (23.8)
Employment status, (%), df = 3,
 Unemployed6 (7.5)2 (8)4 (7.3)
 Employed24 (30)8 (32)16 (29.1)
 Economic benefit20 (25)10 (40)10 (18.2)
 Pensioner30 (37.5)5 (20)25 (45.5)

Clinical features
DD type, (%), df = 4,
 Persecutory55 (68.8)14 (56)41 (74.5)
 Erotomanic9 (11.3)8 (32)1 (1.8)
 Jealous6 (7.5)1 (4)5 (9.1)
 Somatic3 (3.8)1 (4)2 (3.6)
 Grandiose7 (8.8)1 (4)6 (10.9)
Sexual delusional content, (%)19 (23.8)11 (44)8 (14.5)FET = 0.009
Lifetime suicidal behaviour, (%)14 (17.5)5 (20)9 (16.4), df = 1,
Gynaecological disorders, (%)36 (45)15 (60)21 (38.2)FET = 0.058

Psychopathological symptoms, mean (SD)
PANSS total 88.04 (14.44) 86.48 (21.91) 88.75 (15.16) , df = 78,
PANSS positive subscale 24.77 (6.69)24.68 (7.53)24.82 (6.34), df = 78,
PANSS negative subscale 17.86 (5.18)18.40 (6.92)17.62 (4.21), df = 78,
PANSS general subscale45.4 (8.87)43.40 (10.54)46.31 (7.94), df =78,
PSP 48.74 (13.37)51.36 (16.2)47.55 (11.87), df = 78,
HRSD-17 9.74 (5.92)10.72 (6.52)9.29 (5.63), df =78;
SUMD total14.25 (1.45)14.72 (1.02)14.04 (1.65), df = 66.9,
C-SSRS, suicidal ideation intensity3.39 (7.01)3.12 (6.53)3.51 (7.38), df = 71,

C-SSRS: Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale; DD: delusional disorder; df: degrees of freedom; DUP: duration of untreated psychosis; FET: Fisher’s exact test; HRSD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; : value; PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PSP: Personal and Social Performance Scale; SD: standard deviation; SUMD: Scale for Unawareness of Mental Disorder; : Student -test; : Chi-square test.