Research Article

Investigating Body Mass Index and Body Composition in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Case-Control Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of participants ().

CharacteristicsTotalSchizophreniaControl or value

Age (years old)4.80.001
Marital status (%)360.001
 Unmarried177 (45.4)118 (66.7)59 (33.3)
 Married213 (54.6)77 (36.2)136 (63.8)
 Elementary (1-6 yrs)117 (30.0)115 (98.3)2 (1.7)
 High school (7-12 yrs)126 (32.3)73 (57.9)53 (42.1)
 University147 (37.7)7 (4.8)140 (95.2)
 Jobless or not working95 (24.4)76 (80)19 (20)
 Irregular job161 (41.3)118 (73.3)43 (26.7)
 Formal job134 (34.4)1 (0.7)133 (99.3)
Having bank account343.50.001
 Yes197 (50.5)7 (3.6)190 (96.4)
 No193 (49.5)188 (97.4)5 (2.6)
Having savings (at the bank or elsewhere)267.70.001
 Yes168 (43.1)4 (2.4)164(97.6)
 No222 (56.9)191 (86)31 (14)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)0.360.71
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)0.450.65