Clinical Study

The Role of Dermcidin Isoform 2: A Two-Faceted Atherosclerotic Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease and the Effect of Acetyl Salicylic Acid on It

Figure 4

Aggregation of platelets by ADP and dermcidin and the aggregation of platelets in the presence of both ADP and dermcidin added to PRP. Platelet-rich plasma was prepared from the blood of normal volunteers, and the aggregation of platelet was determined by treating the PRP with either ADP (4 μM) or dermcidin (0.1 μM) or with both ADP and dermcidin. The curve A: aggregation of platelets when both ADP and dermcidin were added to the PRP. Curve B: dermcidin-induced platelet aggregation. Curve C: ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Curve D: aspirin-(80 μM) induced inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by dermcidin. The figure represents a typical platelet aggregation in the presence of ADP, dermcidin, or both ADP and dermcidin from 6 different experiments using blood samples from 6 different normal volunteers.