Research Article

Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes of Retreatment Tuberculosis Patients in Benin

Table 4

Retreatment tuberculosis patients, drug susceptibility testing achieved, and bacilli sensitivity to rifampicin, Benin, 2013.

Total retreatment TB patients241

Patients whose specimens were sent to the LRM for DST tests ()171 (71)
MTB identification after culture and or Xpert MTB/RIF163 (95)
 Xpert (+) Culture (+) ()86 (50)
 Xpert (+) Culture (−) ()72 (42)
 Xpert (−) Culture (+) ()5 (3)
Resistance to rifampicin ()17 (10)

Note: TB: tuberculosis; LRM: “Laboratoire de Références des Mycobactéries”; DST: drug susceptibility testing.
The percentage was derived from the total tuberculosis patients retreated.
The percentage was derived from the total tuberculosis patients whose sputa were sent and analysed in LRM.
Of the 17 patients with resistance to rifampicin, there were 9 multidrug resistant and 8 monoresistant.