Research Article

Active Tuberculosis Case Finding in Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Experiences, Results, and Implications for Tuberculosis Control Programs

Figure 1

Location of the basic management units of the target population (TP), evaluation population (EP), and control population (CP). (a) Map of Haiti: #1: Hôpital Saint-Boniface, Fond-des-Blanc (CP). (b) Map of Port-au-Prince (A) and surrounding area: #2: Canaan (TP/EP). #3: Hôpital de Fermathe (CP). (c) Map of greater Port-au-Prince (A): #4: Centre de Santé Lucelia Bontemps (EP). #5: Hôpital Foyer Saint Camille (TP/EP). #6: Centre Professionnel des Femmes Ouvrières (CPFO) (TP/EP). #7: CHAPI (CP). #8: Hôpital Bernard Mevs (EP). #9: Hôpital Universitaire de La Paix (EP). #10: Hôpital de la Communauté Haïtienne (TP/EP).