Research Article

The Use of Fluoroquinolones for Tuberculosis in Victoria between 2011 and 2016

Table 2

Univariate and multivariate analysis of factors associated with moxifloxacin use in all TB cases over the 2011-16. Significant results in the multivariate analysis are highlighted in bold.

Patient demographics, diagnosis, and microbiological factorsUse of moxifloxacin
Univariate analysis (OR; 95% CI; p-value)Multivariate analysis (OR; 95% CI; p-value)

Age(>65 years)1.64 (1.19-2.27) p = 0.0021.70 (1.19-2.41) p = 0.003
Sex0.87 (0.68-1.12) p = 0.28-
Overseas born1.42 (0.90-2.24) p = 0.131.2 (0.74-1.96) p = 0.47
Relapsing disease6.35 (4.17-9.67) p < 0.0015.59 (3.55-8.80) p < 0.001
All non-pulmonary disease0.98 (0.76-1.27) p = 0.89-
Meningeal/Central nervous system TB6.88 (3.34-14.19) p < 0.00110.55 (4.97-22.38) p < 0.001
Ocular TB6.12 (2.60-14.39) p < 0.0019.88 (3.91-24.96) p < 0.001
HIV positive1.13 (0.44-2.93) p = 0.8-
Non-culture confirmed0.88 (0.65-1.19) p = 0.40-
Antibiotic resistance6.40 (4.52-9.08) p < 0.0016.36 (4.42-9.20) p < 0.001