Clinical Study

To Evaluate Antimicrobial Properties of Platelet Rich Plasma and Source of Colonization in Pressure Ulcers in Spinal Injury Patients

Table 1

Demographic, injury, and pressure ulcer characteristics of the study population.


Age (years), mean ± SD (range)36.84 ± 12.67 (range: 20–60)
Gender, (%)
 Men19 (76)
 Women6 (24)
Mode of trauma, (%)
 Fall from height15 (60)
 Road traffic accidents8 (32)
 Fall of heavy objects on back2 (4)
Bony level of injury, (%)
 Cervical6 (24)
 Dorsal (D1–D11)6 (24)
 Dorsolumbar junction (D12-L1)11 (44)
 Lumbar2 (8)
Neurological level of injury, (%)
 ASIA A complete13 (52)
 ASIA B incomplete4 (16)
 ASIA C incomplete7 (28)
 ASIA D incomplete1 (4)
Body mass index, mean ± SD
 Enrollment20.97 ± 2.96
 Final21.78 ± 2.97
Associated comorbidities, (%)
 Anaemia9 (36)
 Muscle atrophy10 (40)
 Spasticity1 (4)
 Contractures3 (12)
Pressure ulcer profile
 Incidence of PrUs per patient2.32
 Mean duration of PrUs at
 enrollment (days), mean ± SD (range)
72.76 ± 22.59 (27–195)
Number of PrUs, (%)
 Two20 (80)
 More than two5 (20)
Grade of PrUs ((EPUAP), (%)
 PrUs (Case)
  Grade IV25 (100)
 PrUs (control)
  Grade II11 (44)
  Grade III4 (16)
  Grade IV10 (40)
Sites of PrUs, (%)
 PrUs (case)
  Sacrum16 (64)
  Trochanter5 (20)
  Ischial tuberosity3 (12)
  Malleolus1 (4)
 PrUs (control)
  Sacrum1 (4)
  Trochanter18 (72)
  Ischial tuberosity2 (8)
  Malleolus1 (4)
  Heel2 (8)
Medial epicondyle of humerus1 (4)