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The importance of trust in peer review

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The importance of trust in peer review

To mark Peer Review Week 2020, we passed the microphone over to our reviewers for their thoughts on peer review and the importance of trust.

Peer Review Week brings together institutions, publishers, organizations and individuals to highlight the essential role peer reviewers play.

This year's theme is all about trust in peer review, a process that is paramount to scholarly publishing and to all of us involved. We wanted to speak directly to some of our peer reviewers, and get an unfiltered look at their experience, so we passed the microphone over to Dr. Sandy Van Vuuren from the University of the Witwatersrand and Dr. Praveen Agarwal from the Anand International College of Engineering. We discussed what trust in peer review means to them and talked about the importance of communication and honesty in enhancing trust between authors and reviewers. 

We found that when it comes to trust, communication from everyone involved in the peer review process is key for a good relationship. Alongside honesty and empathy we received some great takeaways and hope you will too after watching this video. 

This blog post is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). The illustration is by Hindawi and is also CC-BY. 

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