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Meet Lead Guest Editor Dr. Hailiang Tang

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Meet Lead Guest Editor Dr. Hailiang Tang

We sat down with Dr. Hailiang Tang, Lead Guest Editor at Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, to talk about his contribution to the field of stroke research and his experience as an Editor. Up to date, Dr. Tang has published more than 30 SCI articles as the first author or correspondence. He is responsible for projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Shanghai Science and Technology Fund and has participated in the preparation and translation of more than a dozen brain tumor, brain trauma, hydrocephalus, stem cells and other books. Dr. Tang is currently based at Fudan University.

Dr. Tang
                     Lead Guest Editor Dr. Hailiang Tang

What is your background and how did you become a researcher in your field? 

I was awarded an MD from Fudan University, Shanghai, in 2011 in Neurosurgery. Following this, I acquired a PHD from Loma Linda University (LLU), California, in 2013, specializing in stroke research. At LLO I was honored to study under Professor John H. Zhang, a world-famous stroke expert. My current research focus is on stem cell repair for brain injury or stroke.

What attracted you to the position of Lead Guest Editor (LGE) at Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity and how is your experience so far of being an LGE?

I became a LGE for Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity due to the recommendation of Professor John H. Zhang. I’m both pleased and honored to be working with Professor Zhang as well as our other Guest Editors, Professor Hidenori Suzuki (Mie University Hospital) and Professor Robert Ostrowski (Polish Academy of Sciences). So far, I have worked with Hindawi as a Lead Guest Editor on Stem Cells International, Behavioural Neurology, and Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. I have also acted as a Lead Guest Editor on Cell Transplantation and Stem Cells and Development.

What is the importance of the Special Issue topic: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Oxidative Stress in Stroke?

Oxidative Stress is currently the key topic in stroke research, and it requires further study in order to advance our understanding. Studies have found that Oxidative Stress is linked to stroke-induced brain injury. These research findings suggest that there is a rapid increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) immediately after acute ischemic stroke. This reaction could result in further brain damage. Thus, it is critical to investigate antioxidant strategies that reduce oxidative injury.

What do you consider to be one of the most important topics in oxidative stress at the moment? 

We need to better understand Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms as this is a very important area of research. Current measures to protect the brain against Oxidative Stress are insufficient, thus novel therapeutic strategies need to be tested to reduce the cerebral damage induced by Oxidative Stress after stroke.

Do you consider Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity to be a good forum for sharing and highlighting the contributions of Chinese researchers in this field?

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity is a good SCI journal with very high-quality editorial control. It achieved a new impact factor this year of 5.076. It is an important platform for the effective communication of Chinese scientists with worldwide researcher communities.

Does the prospect of publishing in this journal make it easier to find and form collaborations with researchers overseas?

Yes, I believe so. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity is an open access journal for global readers. The internationalization of research results will help authors improve the visibility of their own research and help them share important new research as well.

What advice would you give to a PhD researcher writing their first article?

I would advise a PhD researcher that the conceptual outline is one of the most important areas to focus on. Before you begin writing, do not skip over the organization and planning steps. It is important to dig into your research topic and formulate ideas for your paper. Then you should provide evidence for your research proposal and organize your paper in a well-structured way. A good research paper tells a good, logical story. Once the paper is finished, I would recommend that you revise and check the manuscript several times. The first few checks should focus on your research outline and whether the key topics, arguments and evidence have been covered. After that, ensure that the language of the article is accurate and check the English. Finally, do make sure your paper is correctly formatted based on the requirements of the journal you are submitting to.

What is your top tip for authors when selecting a journal?

In general, the author can use a matrix of metrics to evaluate a journal’s quality and impact before submitting. The aims/scope of the selected journal and its previously published content should be consistent with your research area. The reputation of the journal should also be considered and researched. Hindawi's journals cover a wide range of open access research areas, and each peer-reviewed journal is developed in collaboration with academic researchers invited to serve as guest editors to meet the needs of its research field. The influence of oxidative medicine and cellular longevity in this field is increasing every year and I encourage you to submit your stem cell repair of brain injury or stroke research to this journal. It is a good journal for stem cell repair of brain injury or stroke.

Dr. Tang is leading the Special Issue on “Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Oxidative Stress in Stroke”, which is open for submissions until October 23rd 2020. To submit your paper, click here

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