
A 12 T magnetic field has been applied to the annealing process of a 0.81%C-Fe (wt.%). It is found that the magnetic field shifts the eutectoid carbon content from 0.77 wt.% to 0.83 wt.%. The statistical thermodynamic calculations were performed to calculate the eutectoid temperature change by the magnetic field. Calculation shows that the increase of the eutectoid temperature by a 12 T field is 29C. Synchrotron radiation measurements were performed to measure the pole figures of the samples and were analyzed by MAUD to determine the bulk texture of the ferrite phase In the field-treated and non field-treated samples. Results show that although there is no specific preferred orientation appearing by applying the magnetic field, slight enhancement of (001) fiber component occurs in both the sample normal direction (ND) and the transverse direction (TD). This effect might be related to the magnetic dipolar interaction between Fe atoms in the transverse field direction.