Research Article

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Different Classifications Concordance and Relationship between Degrees of Morphological Features and Spectrum of the Disease

Table 2

Association between morphological features and fibrosis grade in NASH biopsies according to Bedossa’s histological algorithm.

Morphological featuresFibrosis value
AbsentStage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4

Steatosis degrees = 0.782
 14 (33.33%)3 (25%)2 (16.67%)3 (25%)0
 25 (23.82%)6 (28.57%)6 (28.57%)2 (9.52%)2 (9.52%)
 32 (18.19%)3 (27.27%)4 (6.36%)1 (9.09%)1 (9.09%)
Ballooning = 0.252
 Few7 (24.14%)10 (34.48%)6 (20.69%)5 (17.24%)1 (3.45%)
 Frequent4 (26.67%)2 (13.33%)6 (40%)1 (6.67%)2 (13.33%)
Lobular inflammation < 0.001
 <2 foci/field11 (39.29%)8 (28.57%)6 (21.43%)2 (7.14%)1 (3.57%)
 2–4 foci/field04 (25%)6 (37%)4 (25%)2 (12.5%)