Research Article

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Different Classifications Concordance and Relationship between Degrees of Morphological Features and Spectrum of the Disease

Table 3

Association between morphological features and fibrosis grade in non-NASH biopsies according to Bedossa’s histological algorithm.

Morphological featuresFibrosis value
AbsentStage 1Stage 2

Steatosis degree = 0.774
 110 (45.45%)11 (50%)1 (4.55%)
 22 (40%)3 (60%)0
Ballooning = 0.726
 Absent7 (50%)6 (42.86%)1 (7.14%)
 Few5 (41.67%)7 (58.33%)0
 Frequent01 (100%)0
Lobular inflammation = 0.163
 Absent9 (42.86%)12 (57.14%)0
 <2 foci/field3 (50%)2 (33.33%)1 (16.67%)
 2–4 foci/field000