Research Article

Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Sandy-Textured Soils under Smallholder Agricultural Land Use Practices in Sarawak, East Malaysia

Table 3

Soil profile description of representative study sites from various agricultural land uses.

Land useHorizonDepth (cm)BoundaryaColourTextureStructurebConsistencycHardnessd (mm)Organic matterRooteMoisturef

Secondary forest (fallowed approx. 50 years)O0–10
EA10–20cw7.5YR 3/2SLw gss/sp6High1-4/c-mm
E20–40gw10YR 6/2LSm sbkss/sp16Low1-3/vf-fsm
Bh40–70+cw7.5YR 3/4SLm sbkss/sp21High1-2/vfsm
N 01°04′33.1″, E 110°58′25.9″; 12°

Rubber (cultivated approx. 17 years)O0–7
AE7–25gw7.5YR 2.5/3SLw gss/sp11High1-3/c-mm
E25–70+cw7.5YR 7/1SLm sbkss/sp20Low1-3/vfsm
N 01°04′31.3″, E 110°58′31.3″; 10.4°

Oil palm (cultivated for 1 year)O0–2
EA2–25cw10YR 6/6LSw mns/np17Low1-2/vf-fsm
E25–45dw7.5YR 6/2SLw gss/sp20Low1/vfsm
Bh45–70+cw10YR 3/3SLm sbkss/sp21Highnsm
N 01°04′35.7″, E 110°57′55.9″; 12.6°

Pepper (cultivated for 1 year)O0–2
E12–15cw7.5YR 6/2LSw gns/np13Low1-3/vf-fsm
E215–40cw7.5YR 7/1SLw sbkns/np19Low1-2/vf-fsm
Bh45–70+dw10YR 6/2SLm sbkss/sp24Lownsm
N 01°04′30.7″, E 110°58′20.8″; 11.4°

aAbbreviations used for boundary (distinctness and topography): Distinctness: a, abrupt; c, clear; g, gradual; d, diffuse. Topography: s, smooth; w, wavy; i, irregular; b, broken. bAbbreviations used for structure (grade and type): Grade: ns, no structure; w, weak; m, moderate; s, strong. Type: m, massive; g, granular; sbk, subangular blocky. cAbbreviations used for consistency (stickiness and plasticity): Stickiness: ns, not sticky; ss, slightly sticky; s, sticky; vs, very sticky. Plasticity: np, not plastic; sp, slightly plastic; p, plastic; vp, very plastic. dMeasured by Yamanaka-type push cone penetrometer. eAbbreviations used for roots (size and abundance): Size: 1, very fine; 2, fine; 3, medium; 4, course. Abundance: n, none; vf, very few; f, few; c, common; m, many. fAbbreviations used for moisture: sm, slightly moist; m, moist.