Review Article

Perioperative Anesthesiological Management of Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension

Table 11

Specific interventions for therapy of intra- and/or postoperative increase of pulmonary arterial pressure (mod. [30, 31, 38, 39, 48, 59, 60]).

Reduction of right-ventricular afterload:

Intravenous vasodilation
 (1) Milrinone50 μg/kgBW bolus, followed by 0,5–0,75 μg/kgBW/min continuously
 (2) Dobutamine2–5 μg/kgBW/min continuously
 (3) Prostacyclin4–10 ng/kgBW/min continuously
 (4) Na-nitruprusside0,2–0,3 μg/kgBW/min continuously
 (5) Nitroglycerine2–10 μg/kgBW/min continuously
Pulmonary-selective inhalative vasodilatation
 (1) Iloprost5–10 μg for 10–15 min (by untrasonic nebulizer)
 (2) Nitrogen monoxide0,5–20 ppm continuously
 (3) Prostacyclin30–40 ng/kgBW/min continuously
 (4) Milrinone2 mg (−5 mg) for 10–15 min (diluted in 10–15 mL NaCl0,9%)