Research Article

CD4 Count Pattern and Demographic Distribution of Treatment-Naïve HIV Patients in Lagos, Nigeria

Table 2

CD4 counts distribution according to age and gender categories.

Age categories (Years)MaleFemaleOverall

CD4 counts cells/mm3
>500: 233 (1535) 15.2%508 (2507) 20.3%741 (4042) 18.3%
15–3060 (233) 25.8%211 (508) 41.5%271 (741) 36.6%
31–50169 (233) 72.5%262 (508) 51.6%431 (741) 58.1%
>5021 (233) 9%35 (508) 6.9%53 (741) 7.2%
<500: 1302 (1535) 84.8%1999 (2507) 79.7%3301 (4042) 81.7%

CD4 count ranges incells/mm3
350–500193 (1535) 12.6%385 (2507) 15.4%578 (3301) 17.5%
<3501109 (1535) 72.2%1614 (2507) 64.4%2723 (3301) 82.5%
<200740 (1535) 48.2%972 (2507) 38.8%1712 (3301) 51.9%
<50245 (1535) 16%277 (2507) 11%522 (3301) 15.8%