Research Article

Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercises Evokes Longer Reductions on Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Resistant Hypertension: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Table 1

General characteristics of resistant hypertensive (RH) subjects and non-resistant hypertensive (NON-RH) subjects according to clinical and biochemical data and antihypertensive (anti-HT) drugs used by the subgroups.

RHNON-RH value

Clinical data
 Age (years)0.66
 Female gender, (%)6 (60)5 (50)1
 Diabetes mellitus, (%)10 (100)5 (50)0.09
 BMI (kg/m2)0.18
 Fat-free mass (kg)54 (43-71)61 (47-82)0.40
 Fat mass (kg)0.32
 Total body water (L)0.17
 Basal metabolic rate (cal/day)0.39
 HbA1C (%)0.13
 Glucose (mg/mL)97 (89-139)98 (94-134)0.07
 Creatinine (mg/mL)0.8 (0.1-1.1)0.8 (0.7-0.9)0.81
 Aldosterone (pg/mL)0.64
 Creat clear (mL/min/1.73m2)0.86
 Cholesterol (mg/mL)0.55
 HDL-c (mg/mL)0.07
 LDL-c (mg/mL)0.88
 Triglycerides (mg/mL)135 (90-214)143 (105-205)0.97
Anti-HT drugs
 Number of classes0.13
 Diuretics, (%)10 (100)5 (50)0.03
 Spironolactone, (%)2 (20)2 (20)1
 Beta-blockers, (%)8 (80)6 (60)0.63
 ACEIs and ARBs, (%)5 (50)7 (70)0.65
 CCBs, (%)8 (80)3 (30)0.07
 Others, (%)001

Values are expressed as or median (1st, 3rd quartiles), according to data distribution. RH: resistant hypertensive; NON-RH: non-resistant hypertensive; BMI: body mass index; HbA1C: glycated hemoglobin; Creat clear: creatinine clearance; LDL and HDL: low- and high-density lipoproteins, respectively; anti-HT: antihypertensive drugs; ACEIs: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ARBs: angiotensin receptor blockers; CCBs: calcium channel blockers.