Research Article

An Individually Optimized Protocol of Contrast Medium Injection in Enhanced CT Scan for Liver Imaging

Figure 1

The follow-up CT image pairs of a 63-year-old male patient with a body weight of 47 kg after insulin tumor resection. Images (a) and (b) were scanned with injection protocol in G1 (contrast medium dose: 78 ml). The liver parenchyma CT values during HAP and PVP, portal vein CT value during PVP, and liver parenchyma ΔHU during HAP and PVP were 75 HU, 106 UH, 136 HU, 35 HU, and 66 HU, respectively. Images (c) and (d) were scanned with injection protocol in G2 (contrast medium dose: 87 ml). The liver parenchyma CT values during HAP and PVP, portal vein CT value during PVP, and liver parenchyma ΔHU during HAP and PVP were 77 HU, 115 HU, 153 HU, 37 HU, and 75 HU, respectively. The liver anatomical structures of the two pairs of images were both visualized clearly.