Case Report

Evolution of Choroidal Neovascularization due to Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome on Multimodal Imaging including Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Figure 3

Optical coherence tomography angiography images obtained at the patient’s baseline visit (VA 20/70, bevacizumab #1 given) (a, f); 1-month visit (VA 20/40, bevacizumab #2 given) (b, g); 2-month visit (VA 20/32, bevacizumab #3 given) (c, h); 4-month visit (VA 20/25) (d, i); 6-month visit (VA 20/20) (e, j). (a) to (e) represented the outer retinal layer, while (f) to (j) represented the choriocapillaris layer. At her 4-month visit, the superior aspect of the CNV lesion (d) continued to regress following her bevacizumab #3 treatment given 2 months prior, while there was no change in the corresponding FA and OCT images. At her 6-month visit, there was subtle expansion of the superior aspect of the CNV lesion (e), while the corresponding FA and OCT images remained stable.