Case Report

Neonatal Liver Failure and Congenital Cirrhosis due to Gestational Alloimmune Liver Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review

Table 1

Serum and ascites laboratory values on admission.

Serum laboratory analysis
Hemoglobin/hematocrit7.2 g/dL (10–13)/20.1% (33–41%)
MCV77.5 fL (80–98)
WBC count7,470 (5,000–14,000)/1% myelocytes; 3% blasts; 79% neutrophils (20–40%); 13% lymphocytes (50–80%)
Platelet count67,000 (200,000–550,000)
ALT/AST71 U/L (<41)/172 U/L (<40)
TB/CB11.9 mg/dL (0.3–1.2)/9 mg/dL (<0.2)
Albumin2.9 g/dL (3.2–4.9)
Factor V49.6 (70–120)
GGT178 U/L (<38)
Alkaline phosphatase878 U/L (82–383)
Creatinine0.3 mg/dL (0.6–1.1)
Serum ferritin>1,650 (10–291)
Serum iron126 ug/mL (50–170)
Transferrin saturation70% (25–50)
Fibrinogen222 mg/dL (200–400)
Ammonia96 umol/L (11–32)
Ascitic fluid analysis
Cellularity65 cells: 39 RBCs; 2% neutrophils; 69% macrophages; 28% lymphocytes
Albumin0.6 g/dL → SAAG = 2.2
Total protein1 g/dL
Triglycerides17 md/dL
Amylase9 U/L

MCV = mean corpuscular volume; WBC = white blood cell; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; TB = total bilirubin; CB = conjugated bilirubin; INR = international normalized ratio; GGT = gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; RBCs = red blood cells; SAAG = serum-ascites albumin gradient.