Case Report

Anesthetic and Airways Management of a Dog with Severe Tracheal Collapse during Intraluminal Stent Placement

Table 1

Cardiovascular and respiratory variables recorded from an 11-years-old female Yorkshire Terrier during and after an endotracheal stent placement.

VariableReference rangeTime point 1Time point 2Time point 3

Arterial blood pH 7.37–7.437.1467.0547.205
SAP 100–130110102ND

: inspired fraction of oxygen; : arterial partial pressure of oxygen as measured by the blood gas analyzer (mmHg); : arterial oxygen saturation as calculated by the blood gas analyzer (%); : arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide as measured by the blood gas analyzer (mmHg); HR: heart rate (beats per minute); SAP: systolic arterial pressure as measured by Doppler (mmHg); ND: not determined; time point 1: during intratracheal stent placement, some minutes after oxygen supplementation was discontinued; time point 2: still during intratracheal stent placement, some minutes after oxygen supplementation was reestablished; time point 3: during recovery phase, with the animal being extubated and kept awake in the oxygen cage.