Clinical Study

What Is the Best Pulmonary Physiotherapy Method in ICU?

Table 1

Demographic, DSW, and LCI data.

Group CGroup S value

Age73.1 ± 11.974.7 ± 11.50.712
Apache II27.9 ± 7.426.5 ± 6.10.584
DSW 24th hour4.9 (0–19.8)8 (0.9–40.2)0.187
DSW 48th hour6.5 (0.8–23.2)5.3 (1–30.2)0.512
DSW 72nd hour11.2 (4–32.1)2.5 (0–18.2)0.001
LCI initial hour 2 (1–3)3 (0–3)0.233
LCI 24th hour2 (1–3)2 (0–3)0.116
LCI 48th hour3 (2-3)2 (0–3)0.003
LCI 72nd hour3 (1–3)1 (0–2)<0.001

Mann-Whitney (data are given as median (min–max)).
-test (data are given as mean ± SD).
DSW: dry sputum weight. LCI: lung collapse index.