Research Article

Association of Tobacco Smoking with Physical Fitness of Military Males in Taiwan: The CHIEF Study

Table 4

Logistic regression models comparing current smokers with noncurrent smokers by the best 10% and the worst 10% exercise performances, respectively.

OR95% CI value

Top 10% performance levels
Model 1
 2 min push-up ≥60 times0.5900.464 to 0.751<0.0001
 2 min sit-up ≥58 times0.5820.450 to 0.752<0.0001
 3000 m run ≤783 sec1.0240.853 to 1.2290.80
Model 2
 2 min push-up ≥60 times0.5780.454 to 0.737<0.0001
 2 min sit-up ≥58 times0.5810.449 to 0.752<0.0001
 3000 m run ≤783 sec1.0300.857 to 1.2370.76

Bottom 10% performance levels
Model 1
 2 min push-up ≤37 times1.1070.878 to 0.8780.39
 2 min sit-up ≤40 times1.3921.093 to 1.7740.0074
 3000 m run ≥934 sec1.3861.084 to 1.7720.0092
Model 2
 2 min push-up ≤37 times1.1220.885 to 1.4230.34
 2 min sit-up ≤40 times1.4201.110 to 1.8170.0053
 3000 m run ≥934 sec1.4281.110 to 1.8370.0056

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence intervals. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the smoking association with the best 10% and the worst 10% exercise performance. Model 1 was adjusted for age, heart rate, specialty, and alcohol drinking. Model 2 was adjusted for age, body mass index, heart rate, service specialty, hypertension, alcohol drinking, and exercise frequency.