Research Article

Concordance between the Different Cardiovascular Risk Scores in People with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis Arthritis

Table 1

General characteristics and comorbidity of the global sample and according to the type of arthritis.

Global, Rheumatoid arthritis, (49.7%)Psoriatic arthritis, (50.3%)
Mean ± SDMean ± SDMean ± SD

Age dx (years)48.7 ± 12.851.1 ± 12.246.4 ± 130.024
Age interview (years)57.9 ± 12.260 ± 12.455.8 ± 11.80.037
BMI (kg/m2)28 ± 5.127.7 ± 4.828.3 ± 5.30.445
Charlson index1.4 ± 0.81.4 ± 0.81.3 ± 0.70.320
Adjusted Charlson index2.8 ± 1.53.1 ± 1.52.5 ± 1.40.020
(%) (%) (%)
 Male58 (38.4)17 (22.7)41 (53.9)
 Female93 (61.6)58 (77.3)35 (46.1)
Family history<0.001
 No108 (71.5)68 (90.7)40 (52.6)
 Yes43 (28.5)7 (9.3)36 (47.4)
BMI (kg/m2)0.910
 Normal (BMI < 25)41 (27.2)20 (27.4)21 (27.6)
 Overweight (25 ≥ BMI < 30)65 (43)33 (45.2)32 (42.1)
 Obesity (BMI ≥ 30)43 (28.5)20 (27.4)23 (30.3)
Smoking habit0.066
 Nonsmoker73 (48.3)36 (48)37 (48.7)
 Ex-smoker48 (31.8)29 (38.7)19 (25)
 Smoker30 (19.9)10 (13.3)20 (26.3)
 No/primary82 (54.3)48 (64)34 (45.3)
 Superior68 (45)27 (36)41 (54.7)
Employment situation0.148
 Inactive94 (62.3)51 (68)43 (56.6)
 Active57 (37.7)24 (32)33 (43.4)
Type of activity0.509
 Seated18 (11.9)7 (14.9)11 (21.2)
 Standing/movement51 (33.8)27 (57.4)24 (46.2)
 Mixed30 (19.9)13 (27.7)17 (32.7)
 Methotrexate77 (56.6)40 (57.1)37 (56.1)0.899

Age dx: age at diagnosis; BMI: body mass index.