Research Article

Prevalence and Predictors of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Youth at the Time of COVID-19: An Online Cross-Sectional Multicountry Study

Table 3

Bivariate analysis of depression, anxiety, and stress.


GenderMale10.9 (10.0)<0.0015.9 (7.2)<0.00110.7 (9.7)<0.001
Female14.1 (10.4)8.3 (8.1)14.5 (10.4)
Do you have a family member diagnosed with mental illnessNo12.9 (10.2)<0.0017.5 (7.8)0.05613.1 (10.1)<0.001
Yes20.1 (12.1)9.8 (9.6)19.8 (12.8)
One friend diagnosed with mental illnessNo12.9 (10.2)<0.0017.4 (7.7)<0.00113.1 (10.1)<0.001
Yes19.0 (12.3)11.8 (10.5)19.3 (12)
Exposed to person with COVID-19No13.1 (10.3)0.0057.5 (7.8)<0.00113.3 (10.2)0.002
Yes21.0 (13.6)15 (10.0)21.9 (10.8)
I have a relative diagnosed with COVID-19No12.9 (10.3)0.0027.4 (7.8)<0.00113.1 (10.3)<0.001
Yes17.7 (10.5)12.4 (7.8)19.1 (9.1)
I am at risk of being infected with COVID-19No11.3 (9.8)<0.0016.0 (6.9)<0.00111.4 (9.7)<0.001
Yes15.8 (10.5)9.9 (8.6)16.2 (10.5)
I have been quarantined for 14 daysNo12.6 (10.3)0.0027.3 (8)0.02712.8 (10.3)0.002
Yes14.8 (10.4)8.5 (7.6)15.0 (10.2)