Research Article

Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Negros Geothermal Field and Implications for the Development of Fractured Geothermal Systems

Figure 6

Group 2 NW-SE dextral and normal faults. (a) Panorama of the entire outcrop (refer to Figure 1(c), iv, for the location). (b) 3D sketch of the faults showing the location of the two large faults discussed in-text, and their subparallelism and potential linkage by an array of smaller normal faults. (c) Stereographic projection of all the fractures mapped in the locality. (d) The main dextral fault, fault A, showing the horizontal slickenlines (i), oblique gypsum crystals (ii), and the stereoplot (iii) which has tensile fractures in blue and average orientation of the fault plane in red. (e) The large normal fault, fault B, and its subvertical slickenlines (i), portions of suspected enhanced permeability (ii), and stereoplot (iii).