Research Article

Associations between White Blood Cell Count and the Development of Incidental Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Table 2

Age- and sex-adjusted multivariate analyses of the risk of developing incidental NAFLD at 5 years after the baseline examination according to white blood cell quartiles.


 Model 11 (ref)2.09 2.13 2.05
 Model 21 (ref)1.76 1.82 2.44
 Model 31 (ref)1.51 (0.90–2.55)1.40 (0.82–2.37)1.85
 Model 11 (ref)1.44 (0.97–2.14)1.96 2.57
 Model 21 (ref)1.33 (0.88–2.03)1.54 2.42
 Model 31 (ref)1.15 (0.75–1.77)1.23 (0.80–1.89)1.68

Mode 1: unadjusted. Model 2: adjusting for age and body mass index. Model 3: adjusting for age, body mass index, hypertension, smoking, glucose, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride.
NAFLD: nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; HDL: high density lipoprotein.