Research Article

Artificial Intelligence in Video Games: Towards a Unified Framework

Algorithm 10

The controller interface of a CptMvAgent2D. These functions are used by the CptMvAgent2D class to relay events to the AI.
class  CptMvAgent2D_Controller
CptMvAgent2D  m_pOwner;
virtual  CptMvAgent2D_Controller()
 //Called when a bot is killed by an opponent
virtual void  KilledBy_Handler(CptMvAgent2D  attacker) = 0;
 //Called when a bot hears a gunshot
virtual void  HeardSound_Handler(CptMvAgent2D  source) = 0;
 //Called when the player removes a bot from the game
virtual void  BotRemoved_Handler(CptMvAgent2D  bot) = 0;
 //Called when the player takes control of a bot
virtual void  Suspend() = 0;
 //Called when the player hands back control to a bot
virtual void  Resume() = 0;
 //Called every game update cycle
virtual void  Update() = 0;