Research Article

Density-Based Statistical Clustering: Enabling Sidefire Ultrasonic Traffic Sensing in Smart Cities

Table 2

Overview of test scenarios and their characteristics.

Scenario name Number of lanes Sensor distance range1Sensor mounting height Typical speed range Pulse interval Description

Urban17.5 m3.5 m20–50 km/h100 msUrban alley street with trees on both sides and parked cars on the adjacent side, mixed use by cars, buses and bicyclists, sensor placement in a horizontal distance of 1 m to curb

Urban28 m3.5 m20–40 km/h100 msSensor placement behind sidewalk, distance to curb 2 m, mixed use by cars, buses and bicyclists, reflective trash containers on adjacent side

Urban37 m5 m20–50 km/h100 msTypical “urban canyon” with large buildings on both side close to the street and narrow sidewalks, distance to curb 20 cm

TestTrack->15 m3.5 m5–100 km/h50–100 msAutomotive test track without reflective objects, only asphalted road surface in sensor range, low rate of vehicles passing by with highly different speeds

The distance range is the distance from the ground projection point of the sensor position to the curb side or delimiter of the adjacent street side. For the calculation of the time-of-flight equivalent distance, both this sensor distance range and the mounting height have to be incorporated.