Research Article

Psychiatric Institutions and the Physical Environment: Combining Medical Architecture Methodologies and Architectural Morphology to Increase Our Understanding

Table 1

Methodology in relation to main research objectives.

Objective (reference to main research objectives)MethodologyTools

Personal milieu (I)Evaluation of patient’s needs and compliance to care regimeSemistructured interviews of 30 (for patients) and 23 (for staff) sets of questions
Placemaking for mental health (II)Data on physical environment and sense of placeVisits, photographical auditing, and architectural blueprints for calculation analogies of areas per use and user group
Domesticity vs institutionalism (I)Architectural checklist212 traits on building exterior, layout, and design of interior
Social milieu (I)Space Syntax analysisConvex graphs, axial graphs, visibility graphs, and justified graphs